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Year 5 News 2022-2023

Creating Humour in Guided Reading

This week, Year 5 had fun whilst learning about the creation of humour during our Guided Reading session. In their small groups, the children re-enacted the part of Charlotte’s Web when Lurvy  found ‘Some Pig’ written in the web and told Mr. Zuckerman who then told his wife. There was much disbelief, trembling and debate from the human characters, quiet content from Charlotte and delight from Wilbur, the pig.

For more photographs see the Year 5 Gallery.

Football Match Against Gayton Primary School

The Year 5 boys enjoyed their football match against Gayton Primary School on Thursday afternoon. They played with great commitment and skill in the fast-paced and competitive game. Despite not winning, the boys represented the school magnificently, making us all very proud.

Beach School

In October, we visited the beach as part of our schools ongoing "Beach School" project. Whilst at the beach, the children had the opportunity to work collaboratively in teams to build shelters from available equipment and a home made compass, which linked in well to their maths topic. Being so close to the beach is fantastic as it is such a wonderful asset to the area and an excellent place to extend children's learning.

For more photographs see the Year 5 Gallery.

Developing Literacy Skills 

Year 5 have been really enjoying their study of Charlotte’s Web, written in 1952 by E.B. White. The children have used the text to infer information about the personalities of the main characters, using evidence to back their ideas up and have investigated the relationship between Fern and Wilbur, the pig. We have explored the use of speech mark conventions in the text and the children have used speech marks to imagine a conversation between Fern (the main human character) and Wilbur, the pig.  Wilbur was lonely and had no friends, so the children designed their own posters advertising for a friend for the dejected pig.

The children look forward to their weekly small Guided Reading groups, during which they have the opportunity to read aloud and discuss ideas, ranging from how the author created speed and excitement in his writing to the use of rhetorical questions and the creation of atmosphere.

For more photographs see the Year 5 Gallery.

What is diversity?

As part of our PHSCEE work, the children were asked what they thought diversity meant? How does it affect our lives? Here are their responses:

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Investigating Perimeter and Area

In our maths lesson, we used post it notes to explore area and perimeter of shapes. The shapes represented 1cm, giving us an area of 6cm. However, when we moved the post it notes around, the area did not change but the perimeter did. After much explanation, we realised that shapes with the same area could have different perimeters.

Investigating Measurement

In maths today, the children were given the task of exploring measurement. We approached this in a scientific way thinking about the question "Does the taller you are mean you have longer arms?" we set about using a variety of measuring equipment to either prove or disprove this question. The children had great fun learning about measurement in cm and mm and comparing this to their classmates. There was lots of discussion about accuracy of measurements and how we could ensure that it was all fair. In the end, we plotted all our results on a scatter graph and learned how to read these type of graphs. The results did not support the question as some children who had longer arms were actually smaller than other children!. It was a great learning experience!

Exploring Poetry

The Year 5 children have enjoyed exploring the poetry of Allan Ahlberg and using his poems as models for writing their own poems. The children’s responses to Things I’ve Been Doing Lately, created humour and the little details of what the children had been doing gave quite an insight into their own characters.

After analysing the structure and gaining an understanding of Mrs. Butler’s responses in Please Mrs. Butler, the children worked with a partner, to made up their own versions of the poem.

The Year 5 children have worked hard on researching Ahlberg’s poems to find their favourite and we used one of them – Polite Children – to write a recount (with some added details) from the poet’s perspective.

The children have enjoyed the poetry focus and have developed an ‘I can write poetry’ attitude – a good start to the year.

Writing Poems

What better way to learn about the importance of using exact and descriptive verbs than to do them! After reading a poem entitled Me – Moving, analysing the use of rhyme and alliteration and then doing a comprehension on it, Year 5 did the movements in a session on the field. We talked about when the different movements might be used as they strutted and strode, ambled and rambled, leaped and lurched and scuttled and scampered across and around the field. To further practise using a range of exact and alliterative verbs, the children wrote their own Me – at home poems.

European Day of Language

To celebrate the European Day of Language on 26 September, the children looked at the flags of Europe and took part in a quiz to see how many they knew. Following that, they used the iPads to research the country they had been given and had to write a fact sheet on the back of their flag before having 20 seconds to present as much information as they could to the class!

FInally, the children used Google Translate to find out what "Welcome" was in each of their languages and all of the flags are displayed proudly outside our classroom.

Grid Method of Multiplication

In maths, the children were looking at strategies to support their mental multiplication. One of the strategies we used was the grid methods which helps children compartmentalise their calculations. The children were introduced to each of the methods and were encouraged to choose the one they needed for each calculation. This encouraged good discussion about multiplying numbers by multiples of 10, 100 (eg 3 x 4 = 12, so 30 x 40 must be 1200)

Class Charter

On our first day in Year 5, the children were asked what would they like their class "rules" to be. We were amazed by the maturity of their responses and how well they were able to empathise with others. Some of the most amazing discussion was had about looking out for each other, themselves and their school environment. 

Welcome back to school Year 5