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Year 4 News 2020-2021


Year 4 started a new 'Sound' topic in Science this week. The class were challenged to stay silent whilst they took part in a 'Learning Walk' around school. The children visited four areas around the school - hall, field, playground and lobby and recorded the different sounds that they could hear. As it was a busy time in the kitchen after lunch, the children noted that the hall was the noisiest area (especially when Mrs Gardner dropped a pan!) and the quietest area was the lobby outside the office. Back in class, the children created as loud a noise as they could with a selection of instruments! They were able to describe the difference between the sounds that the different instruments made.  See the Year 4 Gallery for more photos.

Most Eco-Friendly Award

Enterprise Week - Avalon Marketplace Year 4

Science Fair - Year 4

Lighting up our Clothes

First, children were hooked into the investigation by thinking about items in the ‘Inventors’ box’ such items included, a jumper, light bulb, phone and batteries! This got the class thinking about what our focus for Science week could be and ignite some curiosity! Next, we introduced the key question ‘Can technology be wearable?’ and discussed what we already knew, sharing examples and experiences.

Later, we researched different kinds of wearable technology using the Internet and presented our findings on a word document. Afterwards, we conducted the experiment, where we had to make a circuit using the electronic sewing kit and tried to sew it on to the clothes to light up the LED lights. The pupil’s tried very hard to make their circuits work, despite some not having much sewing experience. It was challenging but the children persevered! Finally, we wrote up our findings and evaluations and viewed all of the other classes work at the Science Fair which showcased all of the exciting events happening throughout the week!

Mental Health Awareness Week - Enjoying the Outdoors

Performing Poetry

Year 4 have enjoyed learning various poems this half term and memorised ‘Snow’ off by heart! Here is a video of their performance which they shared with another class!

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Teamwork and Problem Solving in Maths

Year 4 have been measuring area around the school, developing team work and problem solving skills!  

Measuring in Maths

Year 4 have enjoyed taking part in an enquiry based approach by thinking of a question they would like to investigate involving measuring weight or length. In small groups they investigated the question and recorded the results in a table. Finally, they displayed their data using a bar chart!

Street Dance Masterclass

Year 4 have enjoyed an afternoon of learning a new style of dance! Pupils thoroughly enjoyed getting active in a fun way!

Our Local Environment

In Science today, Year 4 were asked to look in their local environment and consider what they like and how and why it has changed. A great way to incorporate some outdoor learning during a bright afternoon!

An Energetic Start to BHF Elf Kick

Year 4 got off to a very energetic start to the 'BHF Elf Kick this week! On Monday, the children and staff took part in the first of 12 challenges; running or walking around the playground for ten minutes at the start of the day. When the children were asked how they felt afterwards, the children's responses were extremely positive, including, 'I feel determined,' 'I feel powerful,' 'I am ready for the day,' and 'I feel  strong.' 

Studying Ancient Egypt in Art and History

Our class are enjoying doing some cross curricular Art linked to our History topic on the Egyptians. First, pupils studied hieroglyphic symbols then practised drawing them into their sketchbooks. When they were happy, the pupils carefully re-created them on a cartouche template. Next, they painted the symbols with watercolours and painted the background to replicate Egyptian papyrus paper. Finally, the pupils outlined their hieroglyphic symbols with a fine black marker, they are looking great on display in the Art room!

Investigating our Teeth in Science

Year 4 have started their new topic on digestion. To begin with, they looked at a photograph of animal teeth and discussed their features.  Next, they learnt about the different types of teeth that humans have; incisors, canines, premolars and molars and after eating a piece of apple, identified the job that each type of tooth does when we eat food. We also had a little challenge on whether it was possible to eat a piece of apple with just the incisor teeth.  Finally, the children completed a fun activity of creating a model mouth. They used marshmallows as teeth and were challenged to mold them into the specific shapes of the teeth. E.g. canines are pointy, incisors are thin, molars and premolars are wide.  See the Year 4 Gallery for more photos.

Sending a Message of Hope in Computing

In Year 4, we have been talking about the meaning of the word 'hope' to us all. We talked about how, in these difficult times, when families are having to spend time apart and things are far from 'normal,' it is always possible to find something to give us hope. The children in Year 4 have written some letters for the residents and staff of the residential home, 'The Old Garden.' Along with some lovely messages, the children have written about what hope means to them. The children are hoping that the letters will lift the residents' and staff's spirits during these challenging times and wanted to show everyone at The Old Garden that we are thinking about them.

Creating Dragon Eyes in Art

During the beginning of this half term, pupils designed an imagined dragon and created a fact file. Next, they used this drawing to create a design of a dragon eye. Finally, they used clay to mould and create their design then used colourful paints to decorate it once it was dry! Look at some of our work!

Constructing 3D Shapes in Maths

This week in Maths we have been focusing on ‘shape’. We started by revising 2D shapes then they constructed their own 3D shapes and identified the properties. The class enjoyed a problem solving approach during this lesson!

River Collage

This week Year 4 have started to create a collaborative collage showing the journey of a river. They used paints, crayons and various materials to cut and glue in place to create a 3D texture. This will help the pupils with their learning in Geography!