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Year 4 News 2018-2019

Delamere Residential


The children and staff enjoyed breakfast in the Cheshire sunshine. It’s the climbing / rafting swap over again today before lunch.  They’re looking forward to seeing you all later on!


The children and staff have arrived safely and are off on their first activity.  half the group have gone raft building and the other half have gone on the climbing wall.  after lunch they are going on the low ropes course and then into the cave bus!  It was a lovely evening last night, down by the lake. The children took hot chocolate and juice down to the lakeside and it was a really beautiful setting. After that, they had a story and then it was off to bed. The staff said it was one of the easiest residential bedtimes they had ever done as the children chatted quietly before dropping off to sleep one by one!

Speke Hall Visit 

Year 4 visited Speke Hall to enrich their learning on the Tudors. An informative and interesting day!

Tudor Projects

Pupils have enjoyed creating Tudor projects over the half term break and presented them to the class. This opportunity allowed pupils to develop their speaking and listening skills!


During the past few weeks in English, pupils have been hard at work creating letters. The aim of the task was to write for a purpose and persuade large companies to switch to using sustainable palm oil. Some examples include; Pepsi, Cadburys, Asda and many more! The pupils have enjoyed linking their learning to the previous term when they received a Chester Zoo workshop. It also linked extremely well with our Rainforest topic and pupils could use their knowledge from Geography to include in their letters. They developed computing skills when constructing a letter formally using Microsoft Word. We are hoping that we get a response from some of the companies or they at least consider the persuasive points made! Amazing work Year 4! 


Year 4 conducted a debate on palm oil taking on different viewpoints, pupils articulated themselves maturely and all had a say on the matter! 


Years 3 & 4 participated in a cyberbullying workshop yesterday in school. They have been working on cyberbullying in PSHCEE and how to spot if it is taking place or not and then how to deal with all bullying cases.  We are endeavouring to prepare them thoroughly for the future and to be able to use digital technology safely.


Today the children in Years 3 & 4 spent the afternoon, during their P.E lesson, working on strategies for achieving the objective of the games played.  They used their team building skills to work successfully together, in house teams, to race from one end of the hall to the other, using a variety of equipment, whilst adhering to a range of rules and instructions.


Butterfly Lion

Use drama techniques such as a conscience alley to respond to events in chapter 5.

PSCHEE links / SMSC Moral Development—Freedom


Mr Kyriacou came into school on Wednesday 23rd January to run a rugby skills lesson with the children.  They thoroughly enjoyed practicing their rugby skills in a variety of competitive ways and then were able to ask him questions about rugby at the end. 


In French the children are looking at food and drink.  They have been practicing learning the vocabulary for fruit and saying whether they like or dislike a variety of fruit.

Lego Club

Some of the Year 4 children have built wind turbines in the Computer Lego Club this term.  They used Scratch to code them and controlled the rotation.

The background scene included a painted wind turbine which they also coded to turn.


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Cross Curricular

As a cross curricular project (Math, Art, English and History), Year 4 carried out a half term research task on the Pyramids. They used a range of websites and non-fiction books to find out information. The pupil's produced some interesting and creative posters to present their findings. Impressive!

French - Addresses

History - Awful Egyptians

The children enjoyed a morning watching 'Awful Egyptians' show at Floral Pavilion. The morning was interactive, particularly the second half of the show where the children watched the show in 3D! 

Maths - Subtraction

Visit to West Kirby Library

Year 4 went on a trip to West Kirby Library to find out more about how to access books and also handled some Egyptian artefacts! 

Maths - Columnar Addition

PSHCEE - Friendship Promise

Year 4 have created a friendship promise. It is displayed at the front of class for a reminder for the class to remember throughout the year!

Maths - Bridge Building

In Maths we have been measuring and timing activities to do with construction.  The children then had to work in a small group to create a bridge out of paper and sticky tape that could hold the weight of two lego bricks.