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Year 3 News 2020-2021

Best Teamwork Award

Enterprise Week - Design, Production, Finance & Marketing

During our first business meeting, all children came up with a design idea using the recycled materials and then we voted on our favourite to be our product to sell at the Market Place.

Next, we went to the factory to start our manufacturing process. We understood that it would take a few steps to finish the product as we needed to wait for items to dry.

Our second business meeting was on finance. We all chose an amount we thought our product should be for sale for then voted using a paper vote. After deciding this, we made predictions on, if we sold all of our products then how much we would earn. We made sure to subtract the loan we requested from the school.

Before going to the Market Place, we needed to practise how to give change to our customers. We predicted what amounts they might pay with and practised giving change using different coins. We also practised counting £3 as we know our customers may give the amount using different coins.

During the Market Place, Year 3 worked amazingly to persuade other classes to buy their products. The addition of free seeds with every plant pot filled with compost was a winning sale. By the end of the market, nearly all products were sold and to finish off, the children were given the opportunity to buy their own product which made out stall sell out and raised £100 towards our chosen charity: LIV Lanseria. We only wish we had more to sell!

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Year 3 also enjoyed going to the Market Place as customers. They purchased some other brilliant eco products that were being sold by other classes, understanding how much money they would need to buy them.

What a fantastic week Year 3! You learnt so much about how to run a business, creating a product and brand, advertising to others and selling at the Market Place. Well done!  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Enterprise Week - Avalon Marketplace Year 3


Senora Kyriacou has been teaching year 3 the “Menu De Cafeteria” as part of their Spanish lessons.  The children had the opportunity to practise ordering food with their peers before taking turns to perform a role play with Senora Kyriacou in front of the rest of the class.  Year 3 were able to demonstrate the development of their Spanish pronunciation throughout.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Vikings for the Day!

What a day! Year 3 had an exciting visitor on Wednesday, when a Viking visited their classroom. He brought with him, lots of amazing artefacts that were all real!

All dressed in their Viking attire, the children firstly learning about the different clothes that the Vikings would have worn. They learnt that the more colourful the clothing (blues, purples and reds), the richer the person was. Continuing with the way of life of a Viking, Year 3 played a guessing game on the foods they thought were around in the Viking times and learnt that they didn’t have oranges or bananas but they did have apples and pears and lots of bread. The Vikings ate bread with nearly every meal as grinding seeds to a flour and cooking was an easy recipe to follow when there was no TV to watch. Every member of the class had the opportunity to use a stone grinder to practise this. The children also learnt that the Vikings didn’t really use money but they did trade silver in weight and eventually the silver was turned into coins with a heads side and a tails side. Our Viking visitor showed us how this was done using the historic method and even left us the coins to keep!

Later on in the morning, Year 3 played lots of old Viking games, for example, knucklebones where depending on how the bone landed, you got a certain amount of points that you added up and the most points won. There were some tricky games that included lots of counters and boards with markings on to show you where you can move to. The children had so much fun learning how the Vikings used to spend their free time.

After lunch, the class were really intrigued and interested to learn about the weapons that our Viking visitor had brought with him. There were spears, a sword, a bow and arrows, an axe, shields and even real chain mail that was very heavy! We understood that it was a good idea to have a shield and that the Vikings used some shield formations to help them be stronger fighters. Our Viking visitor said the weapon he preferred would be the spear as they are so long that you could keep your opponent away by pointing it out in front of you. Each child in the class was allowed to safely hold one of the artefacts.

Finally, the children were introduced to some real animal skins to show the animals that would have been around in the Viking times. These were wild boars, foxes and cayotes.

Overall, Year 3 had a super exciting day and first lesson on the Vikings and we can’t wait to learn more this half term.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

What happened?

Year 3 took on the role of detectives today. There was an unusual scene found in the classroom with what we observed to be the metal hand, head and body of a robot! With detective badge pinned on and clipboard in hand, they collected information and wrote down any inquisitive questions they had. This will follow onto the next lesson, when the children will become journalists and news readers to present their findings and questions on what they had discovered. Stay tuned to find out what happened!  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Science Fair - Year 3

Future Clothing

This week year 3 have been investigating what current materials our clothes are made out of and can we use alternative materials instead.  To begin with, year 3 researched what our clothes are presently made of, such as; polyester, silk, velvet, cotton and much more.

For our challenge, we used a range of materials, that are thrown away and usually end up on our beaches and streets, to make a garment out of. Year 3 used their creative thinking to cut, stick and tie these materials together.

To conclude, we realised that the materials we used are not strong or thick enough to be actual garments sold in shops but we did find that there are some clothes that are already being made and sold in high-end shops using plastic that is found on our beaches. We watched a video to see the manufacturing of this from a plastic bottle to a piece of material to a piece of clothing! Wow!

Year 3 discussed that this is a brilliant way to look after our environment and use these materials that are damaging to our animals and earth.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Getting Close to Nature at the Beach

Year 3 enjoyed another fantastic afternoon at the beach this week, taking in their surroundings, looking at the different things we can find on the beach, learning about the link between the moon and the tide, recreating role plays on Roman entertainment and getting close to nature for mental health week.

When arriving at the beach, we firstly collected different objects we could find around such as seaweed, stones, shells and even a mermaid’s purse (fish egg sack). We used these objects to create a visual including the moon phases, the sun and the Earth to learn about what controls the tide. We also spotted a crab on the beach which some of year 3 were really brave and were able to hold safely.

Next, we looked at pictures of the different types of Roman entertainment: gladiator fighting, chariot racing and Roman plays at the theatre. We split into three groups to prepare a role play on one of these entertainments which we then shared with the rest of the class in our self-made amphitheatre (children organised into a horseshoe shape). Year 3 learnt that gladiators were mainly prisoners or slaves who fought for freedom, chariot racers were worshipped like movie stars and Roman plays were usually about Roman Gods and Goddesses and they dressed up in masks to show the different characters.

Getting out into the fresh air and close to nature has been brilliant for our mental health, it keeps us refreshed, energised and positive to keep going. We are really loving our beach visits and can’t wait to go back again!  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Balancing Skills in PE

PE lessons are enabling Year 3 to  learn the skills required to be able to balance both individually and as a pair.  Working with their partner, the children took turns to display their own routine to the rest of the class, challenging their strength and attitude, adapting their position when necessary to hold their stance.  Excellent use of mental creativity and stability.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Year 3 to the Rescue!

Year 3 saved the day on Friday when the Queen was kidnapped!

They took on the role of a superhero squad, solving word problems by adding three-digit numbers using the compact method.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Four-Digit Place Value

In year 3 we have completed lots of work on three-digit numbers, however, this week we challenged ourselves further and were learning about four-digit numbers. Throughout the week, we have played games such as bingo, the Nasty game, the silent game and who is the fastest but we most enjoyed our lesson on Monday where we were able to get outside and use natural resources to start our learning.

We began by collecting resources from the forest area such as sticks, stones and leaves. We then moved to the field where we worked in groups to make a four-digit number that Mrs Creedon said. Our focus was to understand the thousands column comes first before the hundreds column and to ensure we understood the 0 place holder is needed if there are no hundreds, tens or ones. Check out our photos to see how we were able to make our numbers.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Romans at the Beach

Year 3 had the best Wednesday afternoon when they were lucky enough to go down to the beach.

When we first arrived, we saw that there was only a bit of sand and the sea was quite a way in. We discussed tides and whether the water was going out or in.

After this, we played a game called Rock, Paper, Scissors. However, this game had a twist, we played a sea version so our objects were shark, fish and prawn.

Next, we headed onto the sand to learn how to build a shelter. Mrs Gardner taught us how to tie a knot called a ;fish in a dish’ and showed us how we would use this to put some bamboo poles in a tripod shape and attach a cover to create our shelter. 

Our next activity was linked to your topic on Romans. We learnt that they were one of the strongest and fierce armies in history because they had the best weapons, armour and training. A small group of Roman soldiers is called a ‘century’ and with Mrs Creedon as our ‘centurion’ (leader), we took part in marching training where we had to all stay in sync with each other and march across the beach. We passed our training!

Before heading home, we had some tasty Roman bread kindly made by Mrs Probert.

What fun we had at the beach!  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

The Tunnel by Anthony Browne

There was a great amount of interest when the children in year 3 entered their classroom and found a tunnel had appeared. The children crawled into the dark tunnel curiously, chatting about what was happening. Once familiar with their surroundings, they wrote down their observations which were then used in a class discussion. Whilst in the tunnel, Mrs Creedon introduced the book they would be reading in English: ‘The Tunnel’ by Anthony Browne.

Throughout English lessons this week, Year 3 have read a few pages of the book each day before engaging in various activities to support their learning. These have included; predicting what may happen next, writing a description of their chosen character, discuss, establish and write the feelings and emotions of each character within thought bubbles, learning about and using adjectives to describe pictures from the book and, with a partner, acting out a scene from the book using emotional facial expressions and speech intonation.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Introduction to Romans

Year 3 have started learning about the Romans this term. They began by placing the date the Romans invaded Britain onto a timeline, with other dates they had previously learnt. Next, they took on the role of a Celtic tribe with Mrs. Creedon as their Elder. We discussed reasons for and against the Romans invading Britain and whether we were happy to pay the Roman taxes if they protected us from other invaders.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

From Seeds to Fruit in Science

In Science, Year 3’s learning has progressed from pollination, fertilisation to new seeds and fruit. To support their learning, the children examined a selection of fruit, cut them in half and studied the detail of each to determine their similarities and differences.

Working in small groups, the children sorted the fruit into various classifications dependent on how many seeds each piece of fruit had. We also looked at the size and hardness of the seeds as well as where they are located on the fruit. Year 3 learnt that strawberries have small seeds all over the outside, cucumbers have small soft translucent green seeds on the inside and both of these are edible. Whereas, plums and avocados only have one bigger, hard seed in the centre of the inside of the fruit that are not edible.

Our new science knowledge taught us that the amount of seeds that a fruit has depends on the number of ovules that the flower from that plant has. In previous lessons, Year 3 have learnt that flowers have male and female parts and that both of these have different jobs in pollination and fertilisation, leading towards new seeds growing and a fruit being produced.   See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Escape Room

Year 3 have consolidated this week's maths learning in an 'Escape Room' fun lesson. Working in small groups, the children had to calculate three-digit expanded addition sums that were on coloured key rings attached to keys. When they had calculated the correct answer, they then searched the room to find the matching hidden locks, trying to beat the timer and escape in time for lunch! A positive attitude was shown by all and they succeeded their quest.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Maths Fun with Times Tables and Multiplication

This week in maths, Year 3 have been recapping what they have learnt over the year so far.

On Tuesday, to familiarise themselves with their times tables, the children played the 'Bubble Game', taking turns to 'pop' a number within a group of random numbers on the interactive whiteboard, that was a multiple of the relevant times table. After this, the children constructed envelopes using origami to insert times table cards that they have made to use as reference to help support their learning and revision in the future.

On Wednesday, the children have been learning different ways to remember how digits move when we multiply by 10 and 100 (to the left) and which way they move when we divide by 10 or 100 (to the right). This incorporated jumps, hops, wing flaps and bunny hops from the class as they learnt how to sequence maths sums, all of the children fully engaged in the activity with great enthusiasm.

On Thursday, to consolidate their learning on counting in 3s, 4s and 5s, the children went outside to play a game of 'Follow the Leader' where the leader chose the amount to count in and the rest of the class followed them reciting the multiples as they moved. The leader also chose how to move such as, jumping, skipping, jogging or walking in slow motion.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Constructing the Eiffel Tower

Finally, on Friday, as a cross curricular activity with geography, working in small groups to construct the Eiffel Tower, the class had the opportunity to discuss shapes and measurement. The children were encouraged to listen to and share each others ideas of how they could make a structure that remained upright without being held as they used a metre stick to measure it, ensuring they started their measurement at 0cm. The children then used maths language such as taller, shorter and wider as they compared each others towers. 

What a fun week together, back in school!  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Welcome Back Year 3!

On our first day back, year 3 have been talking about their wide range of emotions that they have had over the lockdown period (E.g. anxious, happy, angry, joyful, sad, excited). During our activity, one person said a feeling and then the rest of the class put their hand up if they have also felt like this. Next, they passed the piece of string to another person in the circle with a matching feeling. We noticed that each feeling that was discussed was shared with at least one other member of the class. This created our feeling web that you can see on the photographs.

Max the Hodgeheg

Year 3 are reading ‘The Hodgeheg’ by Dick King-Smith in their English lessons.

As the lessons developed throughout the week, we learnt about spoonerisms and that this is when we mix up some words when we speak. Our main character in our story, Max, said some funny things after he bumped his head. Progressing on from this, Mrs Creedon read a selection of spoonerism poems for the class to work out what it really says. The children then wrote their own poems, incorporating spoonerisms which they then shared with their classmates causing much laughter throughout the lesson.  To continue their learning, Year 3 went outside and collected a selection of natural materials which they then used to construct their own ‘Hodgeheg’. The children fully engaged in these activities and now show a great understanding of what a spoonerism is.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

South America

This half term our topic in Geography has been South America and Year 3 have had the opportunity to learn through various platforms.  Using books or websites, the children researched Machu Picchu gathering lots of interesting information which they then used to produce their own information sheet.

They learnt how to use an Atlas to locate where each country was situated within South America and linked the flag that represented the country.  After watching a short film, the children were able to discuss the national resources that are found within South America. Following this, they completed their own instruction sheet detailing resources and utensils required and the order in which they should be implemented to make a chocolate from bean to bar.

Using foil, Year 3 fully engaged in creating their own South America 3D map, highlighting and labelling the physical features of a volcano, river, lake and rainforests.  To support their learning, art lessons have given the children the opportunity to construct their 'Molas Artwork' - typical of South American art, incorporating vibrant colours and shapes. In DT, Year 3 have also created beautiful weaving patterns, using ideas they had observed on a video of the Andean peoples who live in South America. To help them with this task, they used their knowledge of fractions in maths to cut the paper into eighths. Well done Year 3!  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Inside Out Day

This week in PSHCEE, Year 3 have participated in Avalon's "Inside Out Day" in support of mental health and well-being.  The children have learnt that mental health is everywhere around us, in each individual's head, affecting our emotions and behaviour and that although we may be smiling on the outside, sometimes on the inside we may not be happy.  During our discussion, the children learnt though it was normal to sometimes feel angry, sad, worried or unhappy, if we feel like that most of the time, it was important to tell a trusted adult (this could be using our Year 3 worry box).

The children also had their opportunity to give their own opinion as to if whether we are all the same, what makes us different, what they thought mental health may be and solutions to how any issues could be dealt with, as well as some of their own concerns. Some of these included; " It doesn't matter what you look like, it's what inside that counts", "We are all different", "I worry for homeless people as no one is walking past them, they are not getting any money" and " If you're unhappy, go out for a walk in the fresh air". Together, we read a story called ‘Simon Sock’ which talked about people looking different and having different interests but we should all be kind to each other and still treat everybody equally.

To support their learning, the children wore their clothes inside out for the day and created their own t-short portraying an emotion someone may be feeling on the inside. Some ideas were red and spikey triangles for anger and blue and tear shapes for sadness. Also on the t-shirt was a gesture of kindness, the children came up with beautiful ideas such as: smiling, saying hello, letting people join in and giving compliments.  Year 3 engaged throughout the lesson with maturity and respect.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Continuing the Topic of "A Flash of Light"

Over the last few weeks, Year 3 have been continuing their topic ‘A Flash of Light’. In science, they have been learning about light; where it comes from and how it travels, and shadows. Next week, to conclude their knowledge on this topic, Year 3 will be performing shadow puppet shows using their comprehension from the story they are reading in English, ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’. To make all this possible, each member of our year 3 class has made their own shadow puppet theatres in art. They began by cutting out windows in cereal boxes and painting the boxes. Next, they decorated their boxes to look like theatres and added the translucent paper. Finally, they have made their shadow puppet characters, ready for their performances next week.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

A Flash of Light

In English they have been learning about onomatopoeias in poetry. After listening to and reading a variety of poems and learning that poems can provoke feelings, the children wrote their own poems which created emotions through sound. Each child then took their turn to perform their poem that they had composed to the rest of the class, using intonation and expression.  To support their cross-curricular learning, Year 3 enhanced their art skills by creating beautiful firework paintings. After delicately cutting a kitchen roll, the children experimented with various paints and manipulated the roll to create a firework picture with its own flashes of light.  Year 3’s fantastic work has been displayed in the school entrance hall, brightening up each of our days!  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Light and Shadow

Year 3 have started their new topic on light and shadows in Science. To begin this topic, they have learnt that light travels in straight lines and even though light looks white, it is actually made up of 7 different colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.  Firstly, year 3 made holes in a cardboard box, shone a torch inside and then looked through one of the holes, they noticed that the beam from the torch was pointing in a straight line like a spotlight and that the angle of where the hole is, helps or hinders you to see the light.  Then, they made whizzer wheels which were wheels of colour that they spun on a string and when they spun really fast, they would look white. Such fun!

A Flash of Light

Year 3's new topic is called A Flash of Light. We love to make things cross-curricular and so created some beautiful art work on fireworks using salt and food colouring.  Firstly, the children put glue on their paper in the shape of fireworks bursting. Next, they gently sprinkled salt over the glue and made sure it stuck in the shape of the bursting firework. After that, the children carefully dropped a mixture of food colouring and water, suing pipettes, onto the salt and watched the colours come to life on the black paper. Finally, they repeated the activity so that they had multiple fireworks bursting from their paper.

The children learnt that the salt absorbs the water and food colouring to make the colours stand out, but if they put too much watery liquid on the salt, it would drip and things may have got a bit messy. Well done Year 3, an amazing start to 2021!  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Shapes and Snowflakes!

Year 3 have been learning about shape this week. They have learnt some new vocabulary such as symmetry, symmetrical, irregular and regular and recapped previous learnt vocabulary such as the names of 2D and 3D shapes. On Tuesday and Wednesday we learnt about symmetry and created snowflakes understanding that when we fold and cut parts of the shape, it creates a symmetrical pattern. On Thursday and Friday, we used our knowledge of 2D shapes to put them into groups. We gave these groups headings that described their properties. Year 3 worked really hard doing this and learnt a new type of diagram called a Venn diagram.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Investigating Volume

This week, Year 3 have been working on the topic of volume. We have had a fun week, measuring out amounts of coloured liquids to investigate whether the colour will change with the more liquid that we add. We concluded that the colour goes a bit lighter after adding 100mls of water.  Year 3 also linked their volume work to English by creating a potion in Mrs Creedon’s Potion Lab for our evil character Starjik who froze children in a tomb of ice. Some children made a potion to help Ivan (our hero) and save the children, other members of the class made a potion to support Starjik and freeze the young children. To create their potions, the children measured out different liquid from Mrs Creedon’s Potions, added them together in their own potion bottles, wrote instructions for their potions and then added up all the volumes of liquids at the end. What a fun week. Well done Year 3!  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Improving our Fitness

During the month of November, the juniors are participating in a 'Burpee' challenge to improve their fitness and develop their core strength in the pursuit of achieving their target of 2000 for all of the year groups combined.  Year 3 have smashed their target and have managed almost 2,500 for their year alone, a superb achievement, very Well Done!  Year 3 are also learning netball skills which include how to defend, pass and catch the ball as well as quick footwork, rising to the challenge with great enthusiasm.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Alien Contact

Year 3 have been contacted by an alien, Zinnia, from a planet called Dock 5. They have been observing our planet and noticed that we like to travel. This made them decide to build a hotel on their planet for us to travel to. However, they have asked for our help on what foods we humans eat so that they can build a farm to grow these foods. Year 3 have been investigating what plants need to grow healthy and what parts of plants that we eat.  During this lesson, we looked at a wide variety of fruits and vegetables and discovered that we actually eat different parts of plants such as; the stem, the roots, the flower, the fruit, the leaves and the seeds! The children have drawn and labelled some examples of these to send to Zinnia and help them with their hotel and farm.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Poems about the story Ice Palace

Year 3 have created an aural performance poem showing their understanding of our story ‘Ice Palace’. They constructed the poem by; one group repeating the dastardly character’s name ‘Starjik’, another group whispering warnings to the villagers that Starjik is coming and a third group stating kenning to describe the evil Starjik, e.g. child snatcher. Listen to the video and see if you can pick out the three different parts. We hope you enjoy it!


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Half Price Sale in Maths

Year 3 have been learning about halving.  Mrs Creedon was having a half price sale in her chocolate shop and needed some helpers to work out the new prices. Year 3 were fantastic helpers, using partitioning to find the answers.  Mrs Creedon was very grateful.

Multiplication Fun in Maths

Year 3 have been helping Mrs Callaway organise chairs in the hall for a meeting.  They had 36 chairs and had to follow the rule of the same amount of chairs in each row. Year 3 worked out a few solutions to this problem including; 6 rows of 6 chairs (6 x 6 = 36) and 3 rows of 12 chairs (3 x 12 = 36). They also discussed division by working out if they had 36 chairs, they wanted 6 rows which meant they needed 6 chairs in each row. Fantastic job Year 3!  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Keeping our Bodies Healthy

In PSHCEE, Year 3 have been looking at keeping our bodies healthy through eating a balanced diet and doing physical exercise. We created our favourite meal, ensuring we use the right amounts of each food groups to keep it healthy. In addition, we discussed what types of exercise we do inside and outside school and had a go at being a leader and doing some exercises on the field such as, star jumps, tuck jumps, press ups and sit ups.

Living in the Stone Age

As part of our cross-curricular learning on the topic of the Stone Age, the children became Stone Age people and explored the outdoor forest area, finding objects that may have been used within the Stone Age time. For example; logs,  rocks and 'flints' to prepare and light a fire, sticks to make spears and stone to sharpen spears. Great imaginative work!

On returning to the class room the children were then able to draw their choice of weapon in, an Art lesson and write a detailed instruction on how they would construct their weapon and what it's use would be, in an English lesson.

Working both independently and sometimes with a partner, the children showed great enthusiasm as they followed their own instructions, critically thinking how to manipulate and calculate the best way to complete their design using just the raw materials they had collected  (only a little support from small pieces of string to strengthen their weapon!). Upon completion, each child was keen to show and explain their weapon and it's purpose to their classmates.  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Learning about Chronological Instructions in ICT

During the ICT lesson, Year 3 are continuing with cross curricular English activities, learning the importance of detailed, chronological instructions.  The children are being taught how to cut, paste and reorder a series of instructions whilst developing their touch screen and mouse control. In last week's ICT lesson, Year 3 have learnt the correct way to make a "Cup of Tea"- hopefully something they will be able to do for all of their parents in the future!  See the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.

Year 3 Rocks!

This term, Year 3 have been working on the topic of Rocks. They have been understanding how rocks were formed and discovering their properties through observations and investigations. Igneous rock is formed when magma from a volcanic eruption cools and hardens. Sedimentary rocks is formed when small bits of sand, rock and bones of dead creatures settle at the bottom of the sea and are pressed down with layers over millions of years. Metamorphic rocks is formed when igneous or sedimentary rock is put under a lot of heat or pressure. In this investigative lesson, they looked at the hardness, permeability and appearance of a variety of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks to discover their properties.

Stone Age Animals in Art

As part of our cross-curricular activities, during their Art lesson, Year 3 have sketched their own choice of Stone Age animal.  They have learnt how to use their pencil in various ways to create definition in particular areas. Once they were satisfied with the outline, they painted their image, again experimenting with different paintbrushes to complete their painting.

All approached their task with great enthusiasm!

Archaeologists at Work

Year 3 have been looking at The Stone Age. They have been understanding how long the Stone Age period lasts and how we know this information.

Firstly, we compared 5000 years of time as a single piece of toilet paper. The Stone lasted around 3 millions years which meant it took a lot of toilet paper to show this period (see the photo of how much toilet paper Year 3 had to use).

The Stone Age time is pre-history, which means before humans could read or write. Therefore, we know the information about this time through what archaeologists dig up.

Next, Year 3 took on the role of archaeologists and were excavating a chocolate chip cook to find the chocolate chip artefacts inside. They had a lot of fun doing this, ensuring they are careful and gentle with each artefact. They also learnt and understood how difficult an archaeologists job must be.

Finally, Year 3 looked at photographs of actual Stone Age artefacts and made predictions on what these artefacts may have been used as in the Stone Age times.

Stig of the Dump in English

The children are reading ‘Stig of the Dump’ in our English lessons, which is a story about a Stone Age man who lives in a dump.  Today, the children were acting out a scene between Barney, the main character, and the three mean boys from the nearby town. The children interacted with great enthusiasm and used excellent expression for their characters.  Se the Year 3 Gallery for more photos.