Year 3 News 2019-2020
Year 3 have been learning their numbers to 31, the days of the week and the months of the year in preparation for being able to say the date in French. They enjoyed the days of the week marching song, playing bingo, matching French and English days of the week cards and then playing months tennis with their friends. It turns out that Ted is an excellent tennis player in every way!
Internet Safety - Personal Details
Year 3 have been learning that they go on line for different reasons and as long as they are sensible and do not give out their personal details they can do so safely. However, if they go online and leave out someone, then not only can they hurt that person's feelings, but also they are better and stronger when they share together.
Today the children continued with the theme of measuring, but this time they were measuring in metres. They had to estimate lengths and heights of dinosaurs and then measure their estimations and compare them to the actual lengths and heights. This proved to e very interesting and some of them were very surprised with the difference between estimation and actual measurements.
Class Assembly
Happy New Year! ???? !
The Year 3 class did an amazing job today presenting their Year 3 assembly. They spoke clearly and performed their parts well. They told the story of Nian, the dragon, who is part of Chinese Mythology and explained the importance of the colour red in Chinese culture. They also recounted, through performance, the story of how the Chinese Zodiac came about, as well as explaining how Chinese New Year is celebrated throughout the world, culminating in the Dragon Dance. Everyone enjoyed taking part in the Dragon Dance celebration. Well done Year 3! See more photos in our class gallery.
Year 3 are having fun studying Stone Age Art and re-enacting the experience by using charcoal and drawing on the ‘ceiling of a cave’ in candlelight. See more photos in our class gallery.
Team Building in PE (Year 3 & Year 4)
The children made the most of an inclement day during their P.E lesson and instead of the usual hockey and rugby lessons they did a lesson based on team building, cooperation, communication and agility. The children had to work in teams to get from one end of the hall to the other using the stepping stones provided. The problems arose when they realised that they did not have enough stepping stones for everyone to cross in one go. After a lot of practice and discussion they finally found the best way to get their team across the hall. It was great fun and very informative. They were able to analyse their own performance and to learn from their own mistakes as well as those of others.
Year 3 Trip to DEWA Roman Experience
Year 3 had a great experience marching in the footsteps of Roman soldiers in the city of Chester on Monday 11th November. They learnt about the daily life of Roman soldiers. After time spent as Roman soldiers in the Roman Gardens and at the Amphitheatre they then visited the remains of different houses, excavated under the streets of Chester. They observed many artefacts that had been found as well as discovering what it would have been like to live in Chester in Roman times. To finish, they dressed up in Roman clothes, did some excavating themselves and saw the roads that the Romans had built across the country, many of which still exist today in a more modern form. A very interesting day, despite the wild weather. See more photos in our class gallery.
Science - Fossils
Year 3 have been learning about fossils in science. They have completed their own research on dinosaur fossils and have recreated some different types of fossils using salt dough. Can you spot the mould fossil of the shell? Did you know that footprints are a type of trace fossils? See more photos in our class gallery.
As part of our work on fossils we have learnt about the Mesozoic era. This was a period of history that stretched from 248 to 65 million years ago. It is divided into the three time periods in which the dinosaurs lived: the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. The animals and plants in the world during this period changed a lot, with the evolution of dinosaurs and the first mammals & birds.
Science - Poos from the past
Archaeologists use a number of methods to help discover, examine and record the secrets of the past. A great way to understand more about humans from history is to learn what they ate. We became archaeologists as part of our cross curricular science and history 'poos from the past' project. Year 3 worked scientifically, recording evidence of bread grains, melon seeds, olive stones, orange or lemon pips, and small stones from bread made by grinding grains with stones (called quern stones) in the samples. We looked at examples of Tudor, Viking and Roman diets before coming to the conclusion that this must be a Roman poo! See more photos in our class gallery.
Maths - Number Bonds
Year 3 have been working on number bonds to 1000 and 10, 000. The children have enjoyed playing bingo, pairs and dominoes to help them with their learning. See more photos in our class gallery.