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Year 3 News 2023-2024

Maths Inventions!

Year 3 showed off their maths and inventing skills this week as they devised games to make maths more fun! Each of the children demonstrated how to play their game to Mrs Callaway, Miss Harrington and the rest of the class.

Borrowing from established games such as Snakes & Ladders and Trivial Pursuit, the children exhibited great ingenuity in setting up their maths challenges and had obviously spent a lot of time and effort on this particularly taxing homework. Well done year 3!

For more photos click here for the Year 3 class gallery

Beach School Session 4!

The weather had taken a turn for the worst this week and year 3 had their beach school session in the science room which we re named Avalon Beach! Aptly, we looked at the water cycle and how rain clouds are formed. We had lots of fun making our very own rain cloud from shaving foam and food colouring.

We used our knowledge of Roman Numerals to decorate paper bag kites and had a boys v girls challenge to see who could build the best water proof shelter. The girls won ! but, we did see lots of team work and collaboration. It is safe to say that we have enjoyed our sessions at the beach and have learnt lots about our wonderful environment.

For more photos click here for the Year 3 class gallery

Beach School Session 3!

Year 3 had a wonderful time at the Beach School this week. We learned how to make a quick shelter in case the weather may change. This was a great opportunity to put our collaboration skills to good use and work together as a team. Once we made our shelter we created a clock face complete with Roman Numerals and worked out using the sun and a compass what tie it was. It was a busy morning with just enough time to have a quick paddle in the rock pools.

For more photos click here for the Year 3 class gallery

Beach School Session 2!

Year 3 had fun making Roman Roads at beach school we even got to race our home made chariots on our road before the tide came in !

For more photos click here for the Year 3 class gallery.

Roman Tour at the Grosvenor Museum

Year 3 had a wonderful time putting their Roman Knowledge to the test during our recent trip to Chester.

We explored the Grosvenor Museum and found objects such as a stragil which was a tool used to clean the dirt from your body. We found lots of examples of Roman Pottery and saw some of the bowls and plates archaeologists found.

 After we explored the museum we had a workshop to explore further aspects of Roman life. We looked at some roman recipes and prepared a delicious Roman Banquet fit for the Emperor consisting of baked fish Nut omelette and honey and dates!

We had the opportunity to try on soldier’s armour and build replica mosaics.

After lunch in the Kings Arms we met Brutus our Roman soldier tour guide.

Brutus took Year 3 for military training in the Amphitheatre. Here Year 3 learned how to make a formation to protect themselves from enemy attack. Their newly found skills were put to the test when they had to defeat Miss Harrington and Mrs Evans!

Sadly Year 3 couldn’t be recruited into the Roman legion as they were all too young! So we marched back to Museum headquarters and headed back to Avalon. We had a great experience and are looking forward to our class assembly on all things Roman!

For more photos click here for the Year 3 class gallery.

Beach School Session 1!

Year 3 had a wonderful start to Wednesday with our first Beach school session of the term. The weather was kind to us and we enjoyed the warm sun and a gentle breeze on our walk to Cubbins Green.

The tide was out which allowed us to use the rock pools to forage for seaweed to make our Hapa some flags. We used our flags to test the wind direction. We found the compass points to help us with this task. It was a south westly wind.

Once we found lots of seaweed and a suitable stone we began bashing our seaweed to make ink on a cotton cloth, this was lots of fun!  We threaded our cotton onto a stick to make a flag and placed them into the sand. We then made a cardboard flag to test which was the best material for flag making. We talked about the merits of both resources and Came to the conclusion that cotton was the better material as it dries when wet unlike paper which disintegrates. We watched how the wind made our flags blow and could tell that the wind speed had changed during our session.

We are looking forward to exploring Beach School next week and making a Roman Road !

For more photos click here for the Year 3 class gallery.

"Share & Showcase" Event

We were thrilled to welcome Parents into the year 3 classroom for our Showcase and Celebrate event. Parents were given the opportunity to see the learning environment and were treated to an afternoon of Music, literature, Art and Maths.

Children showcased their work and talked confidently and eloquently about how they had grown and developed over the course of the year, putting into practice our terms theme of ‘Embracing Every Opportunity to Grow.’

Parents not only heard and saw all the wonderful work on display but were challenged to join in with a lively rendition of ‘When your Gone’ also known as ‘The Cup Song’ and ‘Star Wars’ theme tune on the boom whackers.

A lovely afternoon which celebrated the wonderful achievements of year 3! 

For more photos click here for the Year 3 class gallery.

Another Busy Week!

Another week has whizzed by in year 3 with lots of creative and collaborative learning taking place.

We have had lots of fun using drama to bring our story of Edward Tulane to life. We have also been writing poems on hope for the ISA Poetry competition! In maths, we have been finding different strategies to subtract. Our PSHEE topic this half term is on relationships and we have been focusing on friendships.

For more photos click here for the Year 3 class gallery.

Exploring Time

As part of our learning on time in maths, Year 3 have had an exciting time. We used our ICT Skills in a cross curricular way to make a video using Imovie. We planed a train journey and worked out the time intervals between each station. We also worked out how long our journey took in total.

For more photos click here for the Year 3 class gallery.

European Languages Day

Year 3 had fun last week during European Languages Day. The day began by taking a flight with  the very reliable  Avalon Airways to Sweden. Upon arrival, Children were introduced to a wide range of activities to help them embrace their stay. They had a virtual tour of Drotenholm palace, sampled some Swedish chocolate balls. They were a big hit! We built a bridge to connect Sweden to Denmark and learnt how to sing The Wheels on The bus in Swedish. We finished our trip to Sweden with a rendition of Waterloo by ABBA both in Swedish and English. It was a whistle stop tour of this beautiful country before Year 3 embarked the airways again for Poland, Croatia, Denmark, the Netherlands. Each country the children visited, they were able to sample some food and experience something of that culture. The children had a wonderful day - a few were a bit jet lagged after city hoping throughout the day.

For more photos click here for the Year 3 class gallery.

Welcome back to school Year 3