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Year 5 News 2017-2018

Researching the Victorians

Linking in with their study of Street Child and their work in History, this week Year 5 have been immersed in the topic of Victorian children. Using text and library books, the children researched either poor or rich Victorian children or education. Having made notes, the children then grouped their ideas into cohesive paragraphs ready for their presentations.  We are looking forward to being entertained and informed when the children deliver their presentations next week. 


French on World Book Day

Year 5 English

It was delightful today to listen to the Year 5 children talking with each other about some of the books they have read recently. I was struck by their ability to talk with insight and positivity about different aspects of their books and the passion with which they were recommending them. A wide range of books were discussed by the children.  

Jungle Book

Thinking about writing from our literary heritage, Year 5 have enjoyed reading parts of The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. We have investigated Kipling's writing style, looking at the development of his characters, his use of English and the different settings in the extracts. It was interesting for the children to see how the original Jungle Book stories compare to the film versions.  The children, in groups, enacted part of the story, ensuring that they used appropriate intonation and volume. We enjoyed watching their interpretations of the story.


Year 5 and 6 Healthy Lifestyles

In our P.E lesson Mr Kyriacou took the girls for half of the lesson this afternoon to talk about healthy eating and healthy lifestyles.  He set up a circuit of activities for the children to do in 30 second intervals.  The girls absolutely loved it and learnt a great deal from this session.  I think he has inspired some of them to try out different activities.


The Year 5 and 6 boys have enjoyed the recent Gymnastics topic on Balance. After practising balances individually on different levels and different parts of their bodies, they worked collaboratively to produce a group balance. The boys were aware that discussion and understanding of the strengths and abilities of each boy, were key to a successful group performance. The next step was to introduce the notion of counter balance and counter tension as they experimented with pushing against a partner to create a balance rather than using the floor or a piece of equipment. Great results boys: you worked hard and with respect.

The Jungle Book

Year 5 have spent some time during the last few weeks, listening to and reading extracts from The Jungle Book, written over 100 years ago by Rudyard Kipling. We have analysed Kipling's writing style and the development of the main characters. Using an extract from Mowgli's Brothers, we revised the conventions of using direct speech, before separating into groups to enact it. The focus was on demonstrating understanding through their actions and the intonation and  tone of their voices.




Year 5 have been revising the vocabulary on the "transport" topic.  They had to speak to each other in French to guess what they had chosen as transport options.


Children in Year 5 have been investigating different types of weathering. They completed tasks and recorded their findings at each investigation area.  During the physical weathering investigation, children examined a plastic bottle full of water and discussed what had happened to the water level inside the bottle. Whilst investigating chemical weathering, children used pipettes to test what happens to bicarbonate of soda when vinegar is added. This is similar to the effect acid rain has on limestone. Year 5 also studied photographs of biological weathering and decided what had caused the weathering in each case. Finally, at the erosion table they created a sandy patch on a sloping surface and used water and wind (blowing through a straw) to try to move the sand downhill. We will be studying coastal erosion in more detail over the next couple of weeks.