Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
All schools have children who may require additional support at different stages in their educational lives. This may be short term or longer term. All children need to feel safe and secure in the environment in which they learn, and at Avalon we work incredibly hard to make sure that every child achieves their potential. We treat all children as individuals and make sure that their education is tailored to their needs. Our staff team work hard to provide the best for all children in their care.
Small class sizes and strong pastoral support help staff identify and assess children who are finding challenge in any areas as early as possible. We can then provide intervention programmes that meet the needs of each child and provide opportunities for them to experience challenges and success. By providing intervention within a nurturing environment we aim for all our children to become independent and confident learners.
Often in-school targeted help can overcome the difficulties a child is experiencing; for example, extra maths support to help with confidence with numbers. One-to-one or small group support work is fully integrated into the mainstream curriculum.
Every child involved enjoys an individually tailored programme of support, targeting his/her individual needs. If appropriate we may seek the help of an appropriate outside agency or specialists to further support our work with children. We work closely with any external services and parents to ensure that every child gets the help they need.
Our SENDCo for the EYFS is Mrs Lucy Hunt and our SENDCo for the main school is Mr Martin Ashton.
They can be contacted via the school office.
Wirral SENDLO Website
Wirral SENDLO website brings together information about the local services and support available across education, health and social care for families with children and young people aged 0 to 25, who have special educational needs and/ or disabilities.